To offset the risk of obesity, you can try mindful eating habits

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Study examines how dietary habits can offset risk factors for obesity. Iryna Auhutsinovich/Stocksy
  • A new study finds that people who are at the highest risk of developing obesity can still mitigate this risk through dietary behaviors.
  • Strategies like being mindful of what you eat, eating smaller portions, and counting calories may even counteract some of the effects of obesity-related genes.

Over the past two decades, obesity rates among American adults have increased from 31% in 2000 to 42% in 2020, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The modern environment we live in has often been blamed for this rise in obesity, with its easy access to cheap, high-calorie foods and barriers to regular physical activity.

But genetics can also increase a person’s risk of developing obesity. Some research estimates that genes account for 50% to 90% of weight differences between people.

However, this varies from study to study, suggesting that other factors may influence weight, including conscious changes in eating behaviors.

Strategies like being aware of what you eat, eating smaller portions and counting calories may even counteract some of the effects of obesity-related genes, say the authors of a new study.

In the new study, published July 6 in International journal of epidemiologythe researchers looked at data from more than 3,700 adults in the UK who took part in two separate studies.

Participants’ weight and height were measured and they provided a blood sample, which the researchers used to calculate their genetic risk of obesity.

People also completed questionnaires that measured different eating behaviors, such as a tendency to overeat or overeat due to hunger.

The researchers found that people with a higher genetic risk of obesity were more likely to have a higher body mass index (BMI).

The BMI is a measurement to assess whether someone is obese, overweight, or underweight. It does not always accurately assess body fat, especially for some racial/ethnic or other groups.

However, the study results also showed that for people who scored higher on certain types of eating behaviors called cognitive restraint, the link between genes and body mass index was low.

This included both flexible strategies like mindful eating, portion control, and cutting vegetables ahead of time to make snacking easier, as well as rigid strategies like calorie counting.

What we first discovered was the rise of both types of restraint [flexible and rigid] could potentially improve BMI in people genetically at risk; meaning that restraint-based interventions could be helpful in addressing the problem, study author Shahina Begum, a psychology doctoral student at the University of Exeter in the UK, said in a news release.

Dr. Supriya Rao, a gastroenterologist and obesity medicine specialist at Integrated Gastroenterology Consultants in Chelmsford, Massachusetts, said the study reinforces what is already known that exercising moderation when it comes to eating can help some people maintain a healthy weight.

However, eating patterns have a multifactorial component of behavioral, emotional, psychological, cultural, etc., he said. So it’s hard to use just one measure, for example [restraint]to ensure maintenance of a healthy weight.

However, being aware of what we eat, when we’re eating, and why can help us maintain a healthy weight, said Jennifer Sacheck, PhD, professor of prevention and wellness at the Milken Institute School of Public Health at The George Washington University in Washington, DC

It’s also important, she said, to pay attention to hormonal cues, such as those for hunger and a feeling of fullness.

Dr. Amy Lee, head of nutrition at Nucific, agrees that being more in tune with your body and mindful of your eating behaviors can help change the way you eat. But she admits this can still be a daily struggle for some people.

Calorie counting and other restrictive behaviors may also be helpful for some people, Sacheck said. In particular, understanding the calorie content of foods can help people become aware of the hidden calories found in high-energy snacks, she said.

However, rigid strategies aren’t generally recommended for long-term weight loss, she said.

Also, there is always the risk of getting carried away with some of these [rigid] strategies that can lead to disordered eating, she said, so it’s important not to take extreme measures.

Endocrinologist Dr. Beverly Tchang, an assistant professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medicine in New York City and a consultant for Ro, said health care professionals should be aware that people with a history of eating disorders may be at greater risk from weight management programs.

When possible, doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, etc. of obesity medicine should all work together to help patients develop healthy relationships with food and improve overall health, she said.

While nutrition and physical activity underpin all weight management strategies, Tchang said there are a variety of tools to choose from, such as food logging or mindful eating.

What works for one person may not work for another, she said. So it’s important to find what makes you feel comfortable and sustainable.

Sacheck recommends starting with a balanced diet full of nutrient-dense foods, including a variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean sources of protein.

She also suggests planning meals and snacks, and cooking and preparing your own food whenever possible. This can help you avoid gravitating to vending machines or fast food when you’re hungry.

Also, if certain cues trigger the urge to eat, like driving to a coffee shop or being on the computer at certain times of day, try changing those patterns, Sacheck said.

And get daily physical activity, she said, which plays a big role in weight maintenance.

In a new obesity study, researchers looked at data on over 3,700 adults in the UK.

In the study, people with a higher genetic risk of obesity were more likely to have a higher body mass index. However, the researchers also found that for people who scored higher on certain types of eating behaviors called cognitive restraint, the link between genes and body mass index was reduced.

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