The world’s largest radio telescope could reveal the secrets of dark matter, the first galaxies in the universe

A feature of light absorption by the hydrogen surrounding early galaxies could be used as a new probe into the mysteries of dark matter and how it affected the evolution of the universe during the cosmic dark ages. Scientists have long theorized that dark matter, a mysterious substance that makes up about 85 percent of … Read more

Study increases the probability of finding water on other worlds by x100

Enceladus - section

image: artist’s impression, section of Enceladus showing the ocean below the surface (credit: NASA) visualization Moreover Credit: NASA A new analysis shows that there are likely many more Earth-like exoplanets with liquid water than previously thought, significantly increasing the chances of finding life. The work finds that even where conditions are not ideal for liquid … Read more

The Outer Worlds is a warning of the corporate space age we’re heading towards

The Outer Worlds: Standard -...

What if you could just escape, not just to a new city or a new country, but to a new planet? Would it be far enough from everything? Would you finally be free? Obsidian Entertainment’s 2019 video game “The Outer Worlds” asks and answers just that question – and it just might make you glad … Read more

The Outer Worlds is a warning of the corporate space age we’re heading towards

The Outer Worlds: Standard -...

What if you could just escape, not just to a new city or a new country, but to a new planet? Would it be far enough from everything? Would you finally be free? Obsidian Entertainment’s 2019 video game “The Outer Worlds” asks and answers just that question – and it just might make you glad … Read more