Parts of Washington could see the Northern Lights next week. What to know.

Aurora Borealis Webster

Hoping to witness one of the greatest natural wonders on Earth? Those in Washington may soon catch a glimpse! The Northern Lights are expected to be on full display on Thursday 13th July. The natural phenomenon, also known as the aurora borealis, could be visible Thursday in more than 17 U.S. states, according to the … Read more

Where was it hot this week?

Camilo Martin picks blueberries at the Coopertiva Tierra y Libertad farm on Friday, July 7, 2023, in Everson, Washington.  Farms and workers have to adapt to changing climatic conditions.  As Earth this week set and then repeatedly broke unofficial records for average global heat, it served as a reminder of the danger that climate change is steadily getting worse for farm workers and others who work outdoors.

In a week where global temperatures broke record after record, much of the US wasn’t all that hot. Earth as a whole, however, was. Most days broke unofficial temperature records that experts have been tracking for decades. And some believe this week’s records would hold up if the data went back in time, perhaps thousands … Read more