Unraveling invisible particles: Physicists use water to detect neutrinos

Detection of neutrinos from nuclear reactors with water

The SNO+ detector at a depth of 2 kilometers in a mine in Ontario, Canada. The image shows the ropes holding the 12 m diameter acrylic vessel filled with 1,000 tons of water and the light sensors that detect a small amount of light from neutrino interactions. Credit: Image courtesy of the SNO+ Collaboration For … Read more

Unraveling the secret of interactions between viruses and bacteria in man-made environments

The research team of CityU

image: Professor Patrick Lee Kwan-Hon (right) of CityU’s School of Energy and Environment (SEE), Ms. Du Shicong (left), SEE doctoral student and team collected samples from different types of environments artificial in Hong Kong for research. visualization Moreover Credit: City University of Hong Kong Viruses in man-made environments cause public health concerns, but are generally … Read more

The Neanderthal handshake: unraveling the genetic origins of Viking disease

Vikings disease folded hand

A ring finger stuck in a bent position as seen in Dupuytrens disease, colloquially known as Viking disease. Credit: Hugo Zeberg/Molecular Biology and Evolution Dupuytrens disease, a hand disorder common among Northern Europeans, has genetic ties to Neanderthals, according to a study in Molecular Biology and Evolution. Three of the 61 genetic risk variants for … Read more