Unlocking the Secrets of the Vortex Rings: Paving the Way for Efficient Nuclear Fusion

Physics of nuclear fusion

Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a model to better understand the formation of vortex rings, which could aid in the efficient compression of fuel for nuclear fusion and also in the mixing of post-shock fluids. This model is beneficial not only to fusion researchers, but also to engineers designing supersonic jet engines … Read more

Supersize the Cell: unlocking the secrets of the genome through expansion microscopy

Supersize the Cell: unlocking the secrets of the genome through expansion microscopy

The ability to turn genes on or off is central to the diversity we see in cells, individuals, and even in terms of health and disease. This process, known as gene transcription, involves converting the information stored in our DNA into a carbon copy called RNA. Until recently, scientists have relied on inaccurate illustrations and … Read more