Tiny fragments of interstellar meteorite may have been found in the Pacific Ocean | Ski.News

Small meteorite spherules from the most probable path of IM1.  Image credit: Avi Loeb, Harvard University/Project Galileo.

Professor Avi Loeb and colleagues at Harvard University have discovered at least 50 tiny spherical iron fragments near the path of the fireball of the first recognized interstellar meteor, IM1. Small meteorite spherules from the most probable path of IM1. Image credit: Avi Loeb, Harvard University/Project Galileo. IM1 was detected in the South Pacific off … Read more

New extinct species of ‘ridiculously cute’ tiny penguins discovered in New Zealand

Artistic drawing of little penguins

An artist’s interpretation of what Wilson’s little penguins would look like Simone Giovanardi About three million years ago, little penguins roamed New Zealand, according to a new study. Eventually, these little creatures went extinct, but their relatives known as little penguins, or korors, still live today in Australia, Tasmania and New Zealand. Scientists recently discovered … Read more