Can Laughter Strengthen Your Immune System? Here’s what science says.

Meet the new, the interesting, the unexpected and the wow! it is embedded in our brain. Not only are the surprise, interest, amusement, and awe-struck emotions of wonder quite pleasurable, they also bring great benefits. While all positive emotions motivate us to broaden our horizons, these are especially powerful in inspiring us to explore, learn, … Read more

NASA selects 6 proposals to provide new insights from openly available data in the physical computer system

Comparison of gas-liquid multiphase flow under normal, lunar and zero gravity.

NASA’s Physical Sciences Research Program selected six ground-based proposals in response to the Physical Sciences Information System Call for Proposals. This program element is part of the Earth and Space Sciences Research Opportunities – 2022 (ROSES-2022) solicitation of the Science Mission Directorate (SMD). These six research projects, involving recognized experts in the fields of biophysics, … Read more

PacBio’s Revio long-read sequencing system to help Bioscientia solve complex genetic cases


PacBio, a leading developer of high-quality, highly accurate sequencing solutions, today announced that Bioscientia is using its Revio long-read sequencing system to expand its genomic research projects and sequence several thousand human genomes worldwide. year. Part of the Sonic Healthcare Group, Bioscientia is a leading global provider of clinical laboratory testing services for diagnostics headquartered … Read more

Flying skydivers leads geneticist Clemson to develop a system to detect DNA in the sky

A woman wearing a red hat and sunglasses standing in front of an airplane

July 5, 2023July 5, 2023 As she flew through a Saharan dust plume above Anderson while piloting skydivers to their jump altitude, Clemson University geneticist and licensed commercial pilot Kimberly Mtris saw a research opportunity literally before her eyes. The atmosphere was saturated with particulate matter as transcontinental clouds of dust and sand swirled … Read more

Researchers discover new RNA-guided genome editing system

Researchers discover new RNA-guided genome editing system

Fanzor proteins show potential for precise editing of the human genome, offering an alternative to CRISPR-Cas systems. Scientists from the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT and the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard have made a significant discovery Fanzor. While the name might sound like it belongs to a character expected to battle … Read more

A new AI system can decode the behaviors of fruit flies. Because this is crucial for future human genetics research

The fruit flies are shown being monitored by the AI ​​system

The MAFDA system can track individual flies within a larger group, identify behaviors, and compare those behaviors to fruit fly genotypes. (Photo by Tulane University) How to tell if a fruit fly is hungry? Ask a computer. While it may sound like a bad dad joke, it’s a reality at Tulane University, where researchers have … Read more