Liability washing is as bad for healthcare innovation as green washing is for sustainability. Here’s how to stop it.

Text chart defining five values: Population Health Value, Health System Value, Economic Value, Organizational Value, and Environmental Value.

While Apple CEO Tim Cook believes the future lies in responsible innovation, management scholars warned of a liability-washing trend almost a decade ago. Unfortunately, time proved them right. In recent months, generative AI tools like ChatGPT have become the latest technology to raise concerns about liability scrubbing. Just like sustainability efforts overshadowed by greenwashing before … Read more

The jewelry industry has urged to see the light on sustainability

The jewelry industry has urged to see the light on sustainability

If attendees at last month’s Future of the Jewelry Industry Summit were initially unsure of their role in tackling climate change and inequality, the massive successes of Harvard University and MIT left no doubt. First, the keynote speaker, Dan Schrag, professor of geology, environmental sciences and engineering, as well as public policy, at Harvard, where … Read more