The study suggests that the universe is twice as old as assumed

The study suggests that the universe is twice as old as assumed

The universe is twice as old as current estimates suggest, according to a new study that challenges the dominant cosmological model and sheds new light on what is known as the impossible problem of the first galaxies. Our newly developed model lengthens the galaxy formation time by several billion years, making the universe 26.7 billion … Read more

A new theory suggests that Hardy Tardigrades evolved from ancient worms

A reconstruction of a tardigrade from Cambrian deposits in Siberia.

A reconstruction of a tardigrade from Cambrian deposits in Siberia. Tardigrades. Water bears. Moss piglets. Whatever their name, the microscopic invertebrates are notoriously hardy, and now a team of researchers has studied the ancestors of tardigrades to understand how the animal evolved. The research team studied lobopodians, a group of extinct soft-bodied worms from the … Read more