Common Prescription Drugs Can Cause Depression as a Side Effect, Experts Say –

Jacqui Henry, who said she now feels better than ever, developed depression after taking hormonal contraceptives for 15 years to manage the pain of endometriosis.  Photo courtesy of Jacqui Henry

1/5 Jacqui Henry, who said she now feels better than ever, developed depression after taking hormonal contraceptives for 15 years to manage the pain of endometriosis. Photo courtesy of Jacqui Henry NEW YORK, July 18 (UPI) — With some prescription drugs, treatment can be more serious than the underlying disease, as depression and even suicidal … Read more

“Nature’s Ozempic” has a rather gross side effect

An image of the plant that naturally produces the berberine compound

PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY Matthew Cooley. PHOTOGRAPHS USED IN ILLUSTRATION FROM Adobe Stock; Getty On social media, the supposed wonder drug that’s on everyone’s lips right now is Ozempic, the drug created to treat type 2 diabetes that’s now being used as a weight-loss treatment. But with access to Ozempic dwindling as demand soars and prices … Read more