A renegade sea otter is terrorizing California surfers: ‘It’s a little scary’

A sea otter is on a surfboard while a person hangs on to one end in the ocean.

SANTA CRUZ It was the fourth time Joon Lees surfed on Sunday. The 40-year-old Apple software engineer from San Jose had rented a board and headed south to Santa Cruz to catch some waves off the coast of the iconic surf city. But about 90 minutes into his session, he was attacked by a sea … Read more

Antarctic sea ice has been at record levels for months, here’s what that means

The $52.6 billion plan to save the New York region from climate change

Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2018 shows penguins on drift ice as seen by the Chinese research icebreaker Xuelong, also known as Snow Dragon, in an area of ​​drift ice in the Southern Ocean. The icebreaker is part of China’s 35th Antarctic Research Expedition. Xinhua News Agency | Xinhua News Agency | Getty Images Antarctic … Read more

Sea lions are sick and dying along the Southern California coast. Here’s what to know

Sea lions are sick and dying along the Southern California coast.  Here's what to know

Pregnant sea lions were more likely to die from toxic poisoning from algal blooms along the Southern California coast. Channel Islands Marine and Wildlife Institute hide caption toggle caption on/off Channel Islands Marine and Wildlife Institute Pregnant sea lions were more likely to die from toxic poisoning from algal blooms along the Southern California coast. … Read more

83,000 Hawaiian homes dispose of wastewater in cesspools. Sea level rise will make the disaster worse.

83,000 Hawaiian homes dispose of wastewater in cesspools.  Sea level rise will make the disaster worse.

This photo provided by the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources shows a house after it collapsed on a beach on February 28, 2022 in Haleiwa, Hawaii. Rising seas and more intense storms are encroaching on coastal properties. Some coastal erosion removes the sand surrounding cesspools and carries the wastewater out to sea. (Dan … Read more

Historic California red tide kills, disgusts sea lions, dolphins

A sick sea lion and her pup are shown at the Marine Mammal Care Center in San Pedro, California on July 6, 2023. The center has been caring for sea lions sick from a historically bad algal bloom along the California coast.

Jalapeothe sea lion showed up on a busy California beach in a daze, convulsing and heavily pregnant. Instead of giving birth in a remote location like sea lions prefer, Jalapeo had her pup in Hermosa Beach in Southern California on a busy Saturday, surrounded by crowds of onlookers. After the pup surfaced, Jalapeoro towed lethargic … Read more

Antarctic sea ice has been at historic lows for most of this year

Map of the sea ice surrounding Antarctica

Something strange is happening to Antarctic sea ice. The areal expanse of drift ice surrounding the continent is not only at an all-time low for this time of year, surpassing a record just set in 2022, but ice extent has reached all-time lows throughout the year. What happened here is different than the Arctic sea … Read more