Scientists are one step closer to creating a real time machine

Scientists are one step closer to creating a real time machine

They might not be as sleek as a DeLorean or as rugged as a blue police box, but wormholes in space could hold the key to real-life time travel, and a team of experts think they’ve figured out how. The trio of scientists delved into the laws of physics and discovered that it may be … Read more

Scientists successfully use exotic atoms to test quantum electrodynamics

Muon atoms and quantum electrodynamic effects

Concept diagram showing muon atoms and the effects of quantum electrodynamics (QED). Credit: RIKEN An international team of researchers, including members of the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU), has succeeded in a proof-of-principle experiment to verify strong-field quantum electrodynamics inside exotic atoms, according to a recent study published … Read more

Quantum physics in a leaf? Scientists discover the link between photosynthesis and the fifth state of matter

Abstract photosynthesis

Scientists have discovered that natural photosynthesis has characteristics similar to condensed exciton, a frictionless energy state that typically requires extremely low temperatures. This insight can improve the design of the technology, potentially doubling energy efficiency. The UChicago researchers hope that exciton condensation islands could pave the way for new discoveries. Inside a laboratory, scientists marvel … Read more

Deadly floods hit several countries, scientists have said this will be increasingly common

Beachgoers take a dip in the Atlantic Ocean at Hollywood Beach, Monday, July 10, 2023, in Hollywood, Fla. adding a little more crap to the state's already oppressive summer weather.  (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Schools in New Delhi were forced to close on Monday after heavy monsoon rains hit the Indian capital, with landslides and flash floods killing at least 15 people in the past three days. Further north, the overflowing Beas River swept vehicles downstream, flooding neighborhoods. In Japan, torrential rain it hit the South West, causing flooding … Read more

SpaceX’s Starlink satellites are leaking radiation, scientists confirm

SpaceX's Starlink satellites are leaking radiation, scientists confirm

The constellations of satellites that swarm Earth’s orbital skies are currently polluting wavelength bands that should be protected for radio astronomy. Electronics aboard SpaceX’s Starlink satellites “leak” low-frequency radio waves, separated from their allotted downlink bands, in a way that could impact our ability to perform astronomy, according to new research. “This study represents the … Read more

More potent than SSRIs Scientists develop two new drug candidates that could treat addiction and depression

Brain mental health boost concept

Scientists have developed two new drug candidates, inspired by a traditional African psychedelic medicinal plant called ibogaine, that can potentially treat addiction and depression in mice by targeting the serotonin transporter. These compounds mimic the desirable effects of ibogaine without its side effects, and more testing is underway to explore their therapeutic potential. The targeted … Read more

Why does eating food cooked at high temperatures increase the risk of cancer? Stanford scientists discover a surprising new reason why

Fire damage to DNA

A groundbreaking study by Stanford scientists suggests that consuming foods cooked at high temperatures, such as red meat and fried foods, can lead to DNA damage and increased cancer risk due to the absorption of heat-damaged DNA from these foods. While this finding is preliminary and seen primarily in lab-grown cells and mice, it highlights … Read more

There is a huge gravity hole in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Scientists say they’ve finally figured out what’s causing it.

A photo taken from a satellite shows the Earth.

The Indian Ocean is visible in this satellite image of the Earth. A huge gravitational “hole” under the Indian Ocean has scientists baffled.ESA There is a gravity hole in the Indian Ocean where the ocean level is about 300 feet lower than the surrounding areas. Local gravity is slightly lower there, which has puzzled scientists. … Read more

What would it be like to walk on an asteroid? Scientists explain (video)

In September 2022, NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or DART, made history when it crashed into an asteroid and demonstrated that a kinetic impact could redirect a space rock on a collision course with Earth. The DART mission also sent groundbreaking images to Earth of the rubble-strewn surface of its target, Dimorphos, a small moon … Read more

SpaceX’s Starlink Internet satellites “leak” so much radiation that it harms radio astronomy, scientists say

An artist's illustration of Starlink satellites above the LOFAR array.

An artist’s illustration of the Starlink satellites above the LOFAR array. The hum of onboard electronics that power SpaceX’s Starlink satellites could be disrupting radio astronomy observations, according to a new study. Experts have long warned about how astronomy suffers from megaconstellations of satellites in low Earth orbit such as SpaceX‘S Stellar connection. The stripes … Read more