Breakthrough Cosmology: The Role of 21-cm Forest Probes in Deciphering Dark Matter

Exploring the Forest of Dark Matter

Explore dark matter and the first galaxies at the same time as the 21cm forest. This approach can help constrain the properties of dark matter and provide insight into the thermal history of the universe. Credit: NAOC & NEU Simultaneously exploring dark matter and the first luminous galaxies: a 21-cm forestry probe could reveal the … Read more

Immunity genes may play a role in Down syndrome

Cross sections of mouse hearts with and without atrial septa.

down syndrome occurs when an embryo inherits an extra copy of chromosome 21, leading to overexpression of the genes it carries.1 Scientists have yet to explore how these extra gene copies drive Down syndrome, but a team of geneticists led by Katherine Waugh of the University of Colorado recently revealed the role four interferon receptor … Read more

Professor Tongming Yin’s team from Nanjing Forestry University’s State Key Laboratory for Tree Genetics and Breeding proposed the role of MSL-lncRNAs in causing sexual lability of female poplars

Figure 3.

image: Floral characteristics of A. thaliana wild type (a) and transgenic plants (bg). visualization Moreover Credit: Horticultural Research Labile expression of sex has been frequently reported by empirical observation in a variety of People species, but the underlying genetic mechanism remains largely unknown. This article was originally posted on Horticultural research with title: The proposed … Read more

The role of lung dysfunction and COVID-19 severity in the development of long-term COVID

Study: Genome-wide association study of long COVID.  Image Credit: NiphonSubsri/

In a study published in the medRxiv* preprint server, a team of interdisciplinary research groups has identified a genome-wide significant association (GWAS) for long-term coronavirus disease (COVID) at the FOXP4 locus, which has previously been associated with cancer, severe COVID 2019 ( COVID-19) and lung function. Study: Genome-wide association study of long COVID. Image Credit: … Read more

Rapamycin and its role in aging

Rapamycin and its role in aging

Recent research indicates that rapamycin is the only drug that consistently improves mammalian longevity. Until 2009, researchers believed that aging was simply not curable, or if it was, only growth factors would be able to impact the seemingly inexorable process. Two scientific approaches were available that could delay age-related restrictions of diet and/or growth factors … Read more

Northern Ireland scientist discovers role in black hole shock waves

Artist's impression: Supermassive black holes at the heart of every galaxy spiral around each other, sending gravitational shock waves through the Universe

This week, scientists published evidence that supermassive black holes send out shock waves that distort space and time as they orbit each other. One of the groups that made the discovery is the North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves (NANOgrav) Collaboration, chaired by Dr Stephen Taylor, a Northern Ireland native. The 35-year-old credits his … Read more