RECYCLING BOOM: Cape Town students are turning trash into cash to improve their schools and clean up their neighborhoods

school recycling

A local and national government initiative is using the circular economy model to slowly transform under-resourced communities in Cape Town, where illegal dumping and waste accumulation is a perpetual problem, and change the relationship that children and the residents have with the waste. Called the iThemba Phakama 4Ps (People, Public, Private, Partnership) project, it incentivizes … Read more

Richmond recycling company sues city, says it was aware of ‘building hazards’ before fire

Richmond recycling company sues city, says it was aware of 'building hazards' before fire

RICHMOND, Ind. Documents filed Monday by a Richmond recycling company details a new lawsuit against the city alleging that officials knew of the building’s dangers in 2021 when they acquired it from previous owners. The lawsuit also alleges the city did not evict the company or shut down operations prior to the industrial fire in … Read more