Quantum computing qubit entanglement record exceeded at 51 years

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quantum stock image New research into quantum computing has provided a record of quantum entanglement that shows we’re well on our way to post-NISQ (Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum) computing. The new research, led by Xiao-bo Zhu at the University of Science and Technology of China, has led to a record 51 qubits (the quantum computing equivalent … Read more

Antarctic sea ice has been at record levels for months, here’s what that means

The $52.6 billion plan to save the New York region from climate change

Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2018 shows penguins on drift ice as seen by the Chinese research icebreaker Xuelong, also known as Snow Dragon, in an area of ​​drift ice in the Southern Ocean. The icebreaker is part of China’s 35th Antarctic Research Expedition. Xinhua News Agency | Xinhua News Agency | Getty Images Antarctic … Read more

Florida’s record ocean temperatures could be a ‘death knell’ for coral reefs, experts fear

Florida's record ocean temperatures could be a 'death knell' for coral reefs, experts fear

TAMPA, Fla (WFLA) I have never been more concerned about the future of Florida’s coral reefs. That’s coral scientist Bill Precht’s reaction to record ocean temperatures surrounding South Florida right now. Precht is a Miami-based reef scientist who has studied coral reefs for the past 45 years. WFLA Chief Meteorologist and Climate Specialist Jeff Berardelli … Read more

Earth reaches the hottest day on record for three days in a row

record the temperature

It’s time to start taking the climate crisis more seriously. On Wednesday, the global average temperature hit its highest level since records began breaking a previously broken record on Monday and Tuesday this week. The global average temperature rose to 17.23 degrees Celsius, according to the University of Maine Climate Reanalyzer, a tool widely used … Read more

For the third consecutive day, the Earth’s average temperature remained at record levels

FILE - A security guard wearing an electric fan around his neck wipes sweat on a hot day in Beijing, Monday, July 3, 2023. The government ordered Beijing employers on Thursday, July 6, to stop working outdoors after the scorching summer heat in the Chinese capital it was expected to reach 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit).  (AP Photo/Andy Wong, archive)

Earth’s average temperature remained at a record high on Wednesday after two days of the planet hitting unofficial records. It is the latest indicator in a series of extremes driven by climate change. The global average temperature was 17.18 degrees Celsius (62.9 degrees Fahrenheit), according to the University of Maines Climate reanalyzer, an instrument that … Read more