50 years of gigantic electroweak breakthroughs

bubble chamber, History of CERN

On July 19, 1973, the Gargamelle bubble chamber at CERN revealed the existence of weak neutral currents and put the nascent Standard Model of particle physics on solid ground Half a century ago, a series of tiny traces in a bubble chamber at CERN changed the course of particle physics. The observation of weak neutral … Read more

Unraveling invisible particles: Physicists use water to detect neutrinos

Detection of neutrinos from nuclear reactors with water

The SNO+ detector at a depth of 2 kilometers in a mine in Ontario, Canada. The image shows the ropes holding the 12 m diameter acrylic vessel filled with 1,000 tons of water and the light sensors that detect a small amount of light from neutrino interactions. Credit: Image courtesy of the SNO+ Collaboration For … Read more