NASA selects 6 proposals to provide new insights from openly available data in the physical computer system

Comparison of gas-liquid multiphase flow under normal, lunar and zero gravity.

NASA’s Physical Sciences Research Program selected six ground-based proposals in response to the Physical Sciences Information System Call for Proposals. This program element is part of the Earth and Space Sciences Research Opportunities – 2022 (ROSES-2022) solicitation of the Science Mission Directorate (SMD). These six research projects, involving recognized experts in the fields of biophysics, … Read more

This NASA probe has revealed breathtaking views of the moon for 14 years. How long will it last?

Round and round: NASA’s veteran Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been circling the moon since it first entered lunar orbit in June 2009. Over the 14 years since its launch, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft has produced proven images and data that have transformed our understanding of Earth’s celestial neighbor. While the old craft remains … Read more

This NASA probe has revealed breathtaking views of the moon for 14 years. How long will it last?

a small spacecraft orbiting the moon

a small spacecraft orbiting the moon Round and round: NASA’s veteran Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter has been circling the moon since it first entered lunar orbit in June 2009. Over the 14 years since its launch, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft has produced proven images and data that have transformed our understanding of Earth’s celestial … Read more

India, a rising space power, is forging closer ties with NASA Ars Technica

Taranjit Sandhu, Indian ambassador to the United States, signs the Artemis Accords in Washington on June 21.  NASA Administrator Bill Nelson watches from across the table.

Zoom in / Taranjit Sandhu, Indian ambassador to the United States, signs the Artemis Accords in Washington on June 21. NASA Administrator Bill Nelson watches from across the table. When the Indian ambassador to the United States joined his country in the Artemis Accords last month, he signaled that the world’s most populous country, with … Read more

Sols 3876-3879: Bumpy Road Ahead NASA Mars Exploration

This image was taken by the Right Navigation Camera aboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 3874.

This image was taken by the Right Navigation Camera aboard NASA’s Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 3874 (June 30, 2023). Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech. Download image › Earth planning date: Friday June 30, 2023 Our last evaluation period on sols 3872 and 3873 was a “touch and go” plan: some contact science and other observations, followed … Read more