What does the Standard Model predict for the muon’s magnetic moment?

What does the Standard Model predict for the muon's magnetic moment?

Predicting the numerical value of the muon’s magnetic moment is one of the most challenging calculations in high-energy physics. Some physicists spend most of their careers improving their calculations with greater precision. Why do physicists care about the magnetic properties of this particle? Because the information of each particle and force is encoded in the … Read more

Discrepancy in dark matter: a cosmic conundrum in the standard cosmological model

Abstract astrophysics Dark matter cosmology

An international team of astrophysicists and cosmologists has presented five papers suggesting that the aggregate (S8 value) of the universe’s dark matter is 0.76, a figure that lines up with other gravitational lensing investigations but not the 0 value. 83 derived from the Cosmic Microwave Background. An international team of scientists used advanced techniques and … Read more

University of Toronto researchers present scGPT: a basic model for single cell biology based on a generative transformer pre-trained in a repository of more than 33 million cells

University of Toronto researchers present scGPT: a basic model for single cell biology based on a generative transformer pre-trained in a repository of more than 33 million cells

https://www.biorxiv.org/content/biorxiv/early/2023/07/02/2023.04.30.538439.full.pdf Natural language processing and computer vision are just examples of the fields where pre-trained generative models have been incredibly successful. In particular, a viable strategy for building foundation models is to combine various large-scale datasets with pre-trained transformers. The study investigates the feasibility of basic models for further research in cell biology and genetics … Read more

Stanford researchers present HyenaDNA: A long-range genomic basis model with context lengths up to 1 million tokens at single nucleotide resolution

Stanford researchers present HyenaDNA: A long-range genomic basis model with context lengths up to 1 million tokens at single nucleotide resolution

https://hazyresearch.stanford.edu/blog/2023-06-29-hyena-dna In recent years, there have been rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) that have the potential to completely transform industries and push the boundaries of what is possible. One area that has garnered significant attention from researchers is the development of more robust and efficient models for natural language tasks. Against this backdrop, researchers … Read more