The world’s largest radio telescope could reveal the secrets of dark matter, the first galaxies in the universe

A feature of light absorption by the hydrogen surrounding early galaxies could be used as a new probe into the mysteries of dark matter and how it affected the evolution of the universe during the cosmic dark ages. Scientists have long theorized that dark matter, a mysterious substance that makes up about 85 percent of … Read more

Powered by dark matter: The Webb Space Telescope captures a glimpse of possible dark stars for the first time

Mysterious dark stars concept art illustration

A team of astrophysicists has discovered three potential dark stars using the James Webb Space Telescope. These theoretical bodies, thought to be powered by dark matter particles, are much larger and brighter than our sun. If confirmed, they could significantly illuminate our understanding of dark matter, one of the most significant unsolved problems in physics. … Read more

Unlock the mysteries of dark matter through gravitational waves

Gravitational wave dark matter astrophysics illustration

The researchers have revealed that observing gravitational waves from merging black holes can provide new insights into the nature of dark matter, according to findings presented at the 2023 National Astronomy Meeting. The international team used computer simulations to study the generation of gravitational wave signals in universes simulated with different types of dark matter. … Read more

Breakthrough Cosmology: The Role of 21-cm Forest Probes in Deciphering Dark Matter

Exploring the Forest of Dark Matter

Explore dark matter and the first galaxies at the same time as the 21cm forest. This approach can help constrain the properties of dark matter and provide insight into the thermal history of the universe. Credit: NAOC & NEU Simultaneously exploring dark matter and the first luminous galaxies: a 21-cm forestry probe could reveal the … Read more

Quantum physics in a leaf? Scientists discover the link between photosynthesis and the fifth state of matter

Abstract photosynthesis

Scientists have discovered that natural photosynthesis has characteristics similar to condensed exciton, a frictionless energy state that typically requires extremely low temperatures. This insight can improve the design of the technology, potentially doubling energy efficiency. The UChicago researchers hope that exciton condensation islands could pave the way for new discoveries. Inside a laboratory, scientists marvel … Read more

Discrepancy in dark matter: a cosmic conundrum in the standard cosmological model

Abstract astrophysics Dark matter cosmology

An international team of astrophysicists and cosmologists has presented five papers suggesting that the aggregate (S8 value) of the universe’s dark matter is 0.76, a figure that lines up with other gravitational lensing investigations but not the 0 value. 83 derived from the Cosmic Microwave Background. An international team of scientists used advanced techniques and … Read more

Facial Weakness: A Dark Matter Detective Story – Boston Children’s Answers

A magnifying glass, decorated with DNA, showing the face of a girl with a droopy mouth due to facial weakness.

14 families with inherited facial weakness have opened a window into genetic disorders caused by inherited mutations in ‘dark matter’ genomes. (Images: Adobe Stock / Illustration: Sebastian Stanciewicz) Elizabeth Engle, MD, has dedicated her career to researching genetic and developmental causes for eye, lid, and facial movement disorders. From common conditions like strabismus to very … Read more

Next-generation gravitational-wave detectors could pinpoint dark matter

Universe Today

Gravitational astronomy is a relatively new discipline that has opened many doors for astronomers to understand how the huge, violent end of the scale works. It has been used to map merging black holes and other extreme events across the universe. Now a team at Cal Tech’s Walter Burke Institute for Theoretical Physics thinks they … Read more

Dark matter could interact in totally unexpected ways with the universe

Universe Today

According to Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of universal gravitation, gravity is an action at a distance, where one object feels the influence of another regardless of distance. This became a central feature of classical Newtonian physics which remained the accepted canon for over two hundred years. In the 20th century, Einstein began reconceptualizing gravity with … Read more