Quantum physics in a leaf? Scientists discover the link between photosynthesis and the fifth state of matter

Abstract photosynthesis

Scientists have discovered that natural photosynthesis has characteristics similar to condensed exciton, a frictionless energy state that typically requires extremely low temperatures. This insight can improve the design of the technology, potentially doubling energy efficiency. The UChicago researchers hope that exciton condensation islands could pave the way for new discoveries. Inside a laboratory, scientists marvel … Read more

Research uncovers link between complement factor H gene and idiopathic MFC

Research uncovers link between complement factor H gene and idiopathic MFC

fgnoppornstock.adobe.com A locus in complement factor H (CFH extension) gene is linked to the development of idiopathic multifocal choroiditis (MFC), research published today in JAMA Ophthalmology suggest. The results of the case-control study also showed that the complement and coagulation pathways may represent potential key targets for the treatment of idiopathic MFC. MFC is a … Read more