Mysterious vortex rings could hold the key to helping make fusion energy viable, new research reveals – The Debrief

vortex rings

Scientists say a breakthrough that could help make nuclear fusion a viable energy source could be made with a mathematical model that improves our understanding of the swirling ring-shaped disturbances known as vortex rings, according to new research. Moving vortex rings have long intrigued scientists as they carry rotating fluids or gases as they travel. … Read more

These pantry commons may hold the key to battling superbugs: study

honey pot

Health From mlallanillanyp1 July 12, 2023 | 17:05 In the fight against superbug infections that are resistant to modern antibiotics, doctors are turning to the ancient past. Researchers have found that a combination of honey and vinegar is a powerful antibacterial agent that helps wounds heal quickly without infection. In our survey of pre-modern recipes, … Read more

Professor Tongming Yin’s team from Nanjing Forestry University’s State Key Laboratory for Tree Genetics and Breeding proposed the role of MSL-lncRNAs in causing sexual lability of female poplars

Figure 3.

image: Floral characteristics of A. thaliana wild type (a) and transgenic plants (bg). visualization Moreover Credit: Horticultural Research Labile expression of sex has been frequently reported by empirical observation in a variety of People species, but the underlying genetic mechanism remains largely unknown. This article was originally posted on Horticultural research with title: The proposed … Read more

Sleep a key defense for black Americans at genetic risk for Alzheimer’s

THURSDAY, July 6, 2023 (HealthDay News) — Many experts recommend getting a good night’s sleep. For Black Americans who have a genetic variant linked to Alzheimer’s disease, that rest could be protective, a new study says. This new finding suggests that someone with a high-risk variant may be able to overcome their genetic heritage by … Read more