Unraveling invisible particles: Physicists use water to detect neutrinos

Detection of neutrinos from nuclear reactors with water

The SNO+ detector at a depth of 2 kilometers in a mine in Ontario, Canada. The image shows the ropes holding the 12 m diameter acrylic vessel filled with 1,000 tons of water and the light sensors that detect a small amount of light from neutrino interactions. Credit: Image courtesy of the SNO+ Collaboration For … Read more

Gravitational waves detected using cosmic clocks and invisible spatial distortions

Supermassive black holes emit gravitational waves

In this artist’s rendition, a pair of supermassive black holes (above left) emit gravitational waves that ripple through the fabric of space-time. Those gravitational waves compress and stretch the paths of the radio waves emitted by the (white) pulsars. By carefully measuring radio waves, a team of scientists recently detected the background gravitational waves of … Read more

Satellites discover ‘invisible’ auroras shining in infrared in Earth’s atmosphere

Is an aurora still that impressive if it’s invisible? THE northern Lights, also known as auroras, are well known for their stunning displays of shimmering color, a delight to the human eye. They are also extremely interesting to science, as they are created by intense charged particles streaming in from the sun and interacting with … Read more