Liability washing is as bad for healthcare innovation as green washing is for sustainability. Here’s how to stop it.

Text chart defining five values: Population Health Value, Health System Value, Economic Value, Organizational Value, and Environmental Value.

While Apple CEO Tim Cook believes the future lies in responsible innovation, management scholars warned of a liability-washing trend almost a decade ago. Unfortunately, time proved them right. In recent months, generative AI tools like ChatGPT have become the latest technology to raise concerns about liability scrubbing. Just like sustainability efforts overshadowed by greenwashing before … Read more

Top 10 Healthcare Startups

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Every business starts somewhere, from an idea, a conversation, or a stroke of genius. But startups often face high initial costs and generate limited revenue. This leads them to seek capital from various sources, including venture capitalists. Once funding is secured, the brains behind the startups can get to work. Here are our top 10 … Read more

Biobanking Industry Expects Cell Banks to Revolutionize Healthcare – Grand View Research, Inc.

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SAN FRANCISCO, July 5, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — The global size of the biobanking industry will witness an upward growth trajectory on the back of growing investment in regenerative medicine and personalized medicine, according to the “Biobanking Industry Data Book, 2023 – 2030“, published by Grand View Research. The increasing commercialization of biobanking services and the … Read more