How to spend a quiet night stoned in | State Green

stoned night in: the person does the puzzle

The summer season gets hectic. Weekend barbecues, beach vacations, and all the planning that goes into them can get overwhelming. Sometimes, a quiet night at home is the perfect way to rejuvenate after a busy couple of weeks. When I’m planning an evening, I’ll definitely infuse the evening by enjoying an edible specialty, rolling up … Read more

Indica vs Sativa vs Hybrid: Rethinking Weed | State Green

Indica vs sativa vs hybrid: pictures of plants in different life stages

In recent decades, consumer-facing cannabis has evolved faster than a Pokemon on Rare Candy. An industry that used to rely on flavor and color to indicate quality and effect has moved on to using a botanical nomenclature such as indica vs sativa vs hybrid. These terms come from the plant’s original botanical taxonomy. In their … Read more

Liability washing is as bad for healthcare innovation as green washing is for sustainability. Here’s how to stop it.

Text chart defining five values: Population Health Value, Health System Value, Economic Value, Organizational Value, and Environmental Value.

While Apple CEO Tim Cook believes the future lies in responsible innovation, management scholars warned of a liability-washing trend almost a decade ago. Unfortunately, time proved them right. In recent months, generative AI tools like ChatGPT have become the latest technology to raise concerns about liability scrubbing. Just like sustainability efforts overshadowed by greenwashing before … Read more