Breakthrough Cosmology: The Role of 21-cm Forest Probes in Deciphering Dark Matter

Exploring the Forest of Dark Matter

Explore dark matter and the first galaxies at the same time as the 21cm forest. This approach can help constrain the properties of dark matter and provide insight into the thermal history of the universe. Credit: NAOC & NEU Simultaneously exploring dark matter and the first luminous galaxies: a 21-cm forestry probe could reveal the … Read more

Biotechnology offers a holistic approach to restoring endangered forest tree species

Butternut tree with stem canker

image: Douglass Jacobs, the Fred M. van Eck professor of forest biology at Purdue University, with a butternut tree that has become infected with canker. Butternut is on the list of endangered forest tree species likely to need biotechnology alongside traditional tree farming approaches to avoid extinction. visualization Moreover Credit: Purdue Agricultural Communications Photo/Tom Campbell … Read more

Biotechnology offers a holistic approach to restoring endangered forest tree species

Biotechnology offers a holistic approach to restoring endangered forest tree species

FOREST MANAGEMENT… The solution depends on regulators, scientists and public support PUBLISHED ON July 6, 2023 Douglass Jacobs, the Fred M. van Eck professor of forest biology at Purdue University, with a butternut tree that was infected with canker. Butternut is on the list of endangered forest tree species likely to need biotechnology alongside traditional … Read more