A black hole lit in the blink of an eye

Universe Today

In 2019, a team of astronomers led by Dr Samantha Oates of the University of Birmingham discovered one of the most powerful transients yet, in which astronomical objects change their brightness over a short period. Oates and her colleagues found this object, known as J221951-484240 (or J221951), using the Ultra-Violet and Optical Telescope (UVOT) on … Read more

The mutation in the superior gene linked to autism can alter the eye reflex

A slice of the cerebellum

Reflex Inversion: Counteracting the effects of an SCN2A mutation in the mouse cerebellum (left) helps restore the eye reflex in adolescent mice. An impaired eye reflex can distinguish children with mutations in SCN2A, one of the genes most strongly linked to autism, according to a new preprint. The simple test researchers used to analyze … Read more