Nobel Prize-winning physicist explains the power of intuition in scientific discovery

A flock of birds flying in the sky.

From In a flight of starlings: the wonders of complex systems by Giorgio Parisi. Copyright © Giorgio Parisi, 2023. Published in agreement with Penguin Press, a member of Penguin Random House LLC. The birth of ideas is a topic that many scientists have addressed in their writings. Let’s start with the famous French mathematicians Henri … Read more

The reddest planet ever seen explains the spiral arms of recently forming star systems

Large image from the MWC 758 system Binocular Telescope Interferometer (LBTI) in infrared wavelengths.  C indicates the alleged planet MWC 758c, believed to be responsible for the formation of at least one of the spiral arms

A giant planet twice the mass of Jupiter has been detected after previous searches failed to find it. The planet was expected to unfurl swirling arms within the protoplanetary disk around a very young star, but was missed because its light is at unexpectedly long wavelengths. Just as the discovery of the planets solves the … Read more

Carbon fiber conundrum: Physicist explains tragic implosion of OceanGates’ Titan submersible

Illustration of carbon fiber breakage

The OceanGate Titan submersible, the first deep-sea vehicle with a hull composed primarily of carbon fibers, recently exploded in the Atlantic Ocean, killing five crew members. Experts, including Arun Bansil, a distinguished physics professor at Northeastern, are investigating the possibility that the vessel’s experimental carbon-fiber hull, built in just six weeks, may have been a … Read more