Common Prescription Drugs Can Cause Depression as a Side Effect, Experts Say –

Jacqui Henry, who said she now feels better than ever, developed depression after taking hormonal contraceptives for 15 years to manage the pain of endometriosis.  Photo courtesy of Jacqui Henry

1/5 Jacqui Henry, who said she now feels better than ever, developed depression after taking hormonal contraceptives for 15 years to manage the pain of endometriosis. Photo courtesy of Jacqui Henry NEW YORK, July 18 (UPI) — With some prescription drugs, treatment can be more serious than the underlying disease, as depression and even suicidal … Read more

Florida’s record ocean temperatures could be a ‘death knell’ for coral reefs, experts fear

Florida's record ocean temperatures could be a 'death knell' for coral reefs, experts fear

TAMPA, Fla (WFLA) I have never been more concerned about the future of Florida’s coral reefs. That’s coral scientist Bill Precht’s reaction to record ocean temperatures surrounding South Florida right now. Precht is a Miami-based reef scientist who has studied coral reefs for the past 45 years. WFLA Chief Meteorologist and Climate Specialist Jeff Berardelli … Read more

Pholcodine-based cough and cold medicines coming with warning, experts decide next step – News18

Spurred by the medical alert issued by the global health agency, the panel suggested India's drug regulatory agency, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), to issue a warning regarding the use

Spurred by the medical alert issued by the global health agency, the panel suggested India’s drug regulatory agency, Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO), issue a warning regarding the “cautious” use of the product. (Representative Photo/Shutterstock) In March, the World Health Organization issued a warning amid concerns that pholcodine use could cause sudden and life-threatening … Read more