Innovative Alzheimer’s drug slows disease: A new era for treatment

image of the brain

Medicinal From Marc Lallanilla July 17, 2023 | 10:53am A powerful and significant drug is offering new hope in the battle against Alzheimer’s disease, with scientists hailing it as a huge opportunity for patients with early-onset dementia. The innovative drug donanemab, developed by Eli Lilly, has had a successful clinical trial and is expected to … Read more

Unleashing Photon Serpent States: A New Era of Light Perception

Concept art of photon serpent states

Researchers from UPV, UPC and ICFO have discovered the states of the photon snake, marking a significant advance in the study of light and its manipulation. The discovery, published in Nature Photonics, opens up new possibilities in the formation of frequency combs and paves the way for advanced applications in fields such as communication, spectroscopy, … Read more