Yes, solar storms are on the rise, but don’t lose sleep over an “internet apocalypse.”

Despite what many headlines have said, there is no internet apocalypse on the horizon. Concerns about such a long-running catastrophe began spreading across social media platforms not long after a 2021 study titled “Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse” suggested a major solar storm could severely damage internet wires. , especially those submarines that … Read more

Yes, solar storms are on the rise, but don’t lose sleep over an “internet apocalypse.”

a close-up of the sun shows a giant ball of fire in space

a close-up of the sun shows a giant ball of fire in space Despite what many headlines have said, there is no internet apocalypse on the horizon. Concerns about such a long-lasting catastrophe began spreading across social media platforms not long after a 2021 study titled “Solar Superstorms: Planning for an Internet Apocalypse” suggested that … Read more

These climate advocates don’t care about your carbon footprint. They care if you vote.

Illustration of the ballot box

We’ve made it to the fifth and final piece in our self-action series! Over the past month, we’ve explored how people are pushing for a clean, green, and just future in their personal lives, in the courts, at work, and within their communities. Today’s story focuses on a vehicle for systemic change that may not … Read more