Quantum physics in a leaf? Scientists discover the link between photosynthesis and the fifth state of matter

Abstract photosynthesis

Scientists have discovered that natural photosynthesis has characteristics similar to condensed exciton, a frictionless energy state that typically requires extremely low temperatures. This insight can improve the design of the technology, potentially doubling energy efficiency. The UChicago researchers hope that exciton condensation islands could pave the way for new discoveries. Inside a laboratory, scientists marvel … Read more

Big Island’s Maunakea is the front row seat to discover what’s in the universe | Big island now

Big Island's Maunakea is the front row seat to discover what's in the universe |  Big island now

First image of black hole Pwehi released on April 10, 2019. (File photo courtesy of the Event Horizon Telescope Project and Maunakea Observatories) In the spring of 2019, astronomer Doug Simons found it difficult to sleep at night after seeing the world’s first image of a black hole, taken by the international collaboration of the … Read more

Why does eating food cooked at high temperatures increase the risk of cancer? Stanford scientists discover a surprising new reason why

Fire damage to DNA

A groundbreaking study by Stanford scientists suggests that consuming foods cooked at high temperatures, such as red meat and fried foods, can lead to DNA damage and increased cancer risk due to the absorption of heat-damaged DNA from these foods. While this finding is preliminary and seen primarily in lab-grown cells and mice, it highlights … Read more

Satellites discover ‘invisible’ auroras shining in infrared in Earth’s atmosphere

Is an aurora still that impressive if it’s invisible? THE northern Lights, also known as auroras, are well known for their stunning displays of shimmering color, a delight to the human eye. They are also extremely interesting to science, as they are created by intense charged particles streaming in from the sun and interacting with … Read more

Researchers discover new RNA-guided genome editing system

Researchers discover new RNA-guided genome editing system

Fanzor proteins show potential for precise editing of the human genome, offering an alternative to CRISPR-Cas systems. Scientists from the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT and the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard have made a significant discovery Fanzor. While the name might sound like it belongs to a character expected to battle … Read more