LIGO-India like new observatory will use gravitational waves to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos

LIGO-India like new observatory will use gravitational waves to unravel the mysteries of the cosmos

The LIGO observatory in India will be built in the Hingoli district of Maharashtras, near the city of Aundha. The government has acquired 174 acres of land to set up the observatory, which is expected to be operational by 2030. This will be the third LIGO site in the world. The first two are both … Read more

The first light that will flood the universe can help unravel the history of the cosmos. that’s how

Just as Charles Darwin once used the fossil record to tell the story of the evolution of life on Earth, astronomers are using the first light to shine in the universe to understand the events that shaped the cosmos. This early light is called the “Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB),” leftover radiation that spreads almost uniformly … Read more