Breakthrough Cosmology: The Role of 21-cm Forest Probes in Deciphering Dark Matter

Exploring the Forest of Dark Matter

Explore dark matter and the first galaxies at the same time as the 21cm forest. This approach can help constrain the properties of dark matter and provide insight into the thermal history of the universe. Credit: NAOC & NEU Simultaneously exploring dark matter and the first luminous galaxies: a 21-cm forestry probe could reveal the … Read more

Reinventing cosmology: uOttawa research puts the age of the universe at 26.7 not 13.7 billion years

Reinventing cosmology: uOttawa research puts the age of the universe at 26.7 not 13.7 billion years

image: Our newly developed model lengthens the galaxy formation time by several billion years, making the universe 26.7 billion years old and not 13.7 as previously estimated. Rajendra Gupta Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Ottawa Faculty of Science visualization Moreover Credit: University of Ottawa Our universe could be twice as large as … Read more

Webb spots most distant active supermassive black hole | Digital Trends

In addition to observing specific objects such as galaxies and distant planets here in our solar system, the James Webb Space Telescope is also used to perform large-scale surveys of parts of the sky. These surveys look at large swathes of the sky to identify important targets such as very distant and very ancient galaxies, … Read more