Quantum computing qubit entanglement record exceeded at 51 years

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quantum stock image New research into quantum computing has provided a record of quantum entanglement that shows we’re well on our way to post-NISQ (Noisy-Intermediate Scale Quantum) computing. The new research, led by Xiao-bo Zhu at the University of Science and Technology of China, has led to a record 51 qubits (the quantum computing equivalent … Read more

Physicists work to prevent information loss in quantum computing

Physicists work to prevent information loss in quantum computing

Open quantum phononics based on engineered SAWqubit interaction. Credit: Nature communications (2023). DOI: 10.1038/s41467-023-39682-0 Nothing exists in a vacuum, but physicists often wish it didn’t. If the systems studied by scientists could be completely isolated from the outside world, things would be much simpler. Take quantum computing. It’s a field that’s already attracting billions of … Read more

Quantum computing actions. Meet AI Hype. – Nanalyse

Quantum computing actions.  Meet AI Hype.  - Nanalyse

“If you think AI is cool, wait until it meets quantum computing.” That was the headline of a recent Forbes piece by a SAP communications officer trying to bring his company’s reputation for quantum computing and generative AI to the forefront. The article continues with a quote from a thought leader at (wait for it) … Read more