“Climate Change Loves This Guy”: This Grad Student Took 238 Flights From Los Angeles To San Francisco To Avoid Paying Rent: How To Lower Home Costs (Without Ruining Your Carbon Footprint)

'Climate change loves this guy': This student took 238 flights from Los Angeles to San Francisco to avoid paying rent — how to cut housing costs (without ruining your carbon footprint)

A graduate student at the University of California, Berkeley has given a whole new meaning to the phrase super commute all in one big effort (or a flight, if you prefer) to avoid the Bay Area’s sky-high cost of living. The student, known as Bill, took 238 flights back and forth from Los Angeles to … Read more

Climate ministers increase pressure on host of COP28 summit

The COP28 logo on display in Abu Dhabi.  Depth of discontent with UAE's handling of COP28 is raising questions about whether it is up to the job

Get free COP28 updates Well, I’ll send you a myFT Daily Digest email rounding last COP28 news every morning. A group of countries led by Germany and Canada have called on the UAE, which hosts the COP28 UN climate summit, to focus on phasing out all fossil fuels where emissions are not captured. COP28 president-designate … Read more

Should we dim the sun to help curb climate change?

Illustration by Ibrahim Rayintakath for Yahoo News

The 360 ​​shows you different perspectives on the most important stories and debates of the day. Illustration by Ibrahim Rayintakath for Yahoo News What is going on Late last month the White House released a report cautiously calling for more research into one of the most debated theories for fighting climate change: partially blocking the … Read more

Captura and Deep Sky team up to fight climate change by implementing ocean carbon removal in Canada

Captura and Deep Sky team up to fight climate change by implementing ocean carbon removal in Canada

Companies teamed up to install a Direct Ocean Capture pilot plant in Quebec that removes 100 tons of carbon dioxide from the ocean each year Pilot Project Aims to Validate Technology for Commercial Launch in Canada and Lead to Implementation of Facilities That Remove Up to One Million Tonnes Per Year LOS ANGELES and MONTREAL, … Read more

Antarctic sea ice has been at record levels for months, here’s what that means

The $52.6 billion plan to save the New York region from climate change

Photo taken on Nov. 29, 2018 shows penguins on drift ice as seen by the Chinese research icebreaker Xuelong, also known as Snow Dragon, in an area of ​​drift ice in the Southern Ocean. The icebreaker is part of China’s 35th Antarctic Research Expedition. Xinhua News Agency | Xinhua News Agency | Getty Images Antarctic … Read more

EPA Sets Stricter Limits for Hydrofluorocarbons Used in Refrigerators and Air Conditioners

This image from drone footage provided by the Vermont Agriculture, Food and Markets Agency shows flooding in Montpelier, Vt. on Tuesday, July 11, 2023. (Vermont Agriculture, Food and Markets Agency Vermont via AP)

WASHINGTON (AP) The Environmental Protection Agency is imposing stricter limits on hydrofluorocarbons, very potent greenhouse gases used in refrigerators and air conditioners that contribute to global warming. A rule announced on Tuesday will mandate an overall 40 percent reduction in HFCs starting next year, part of a global phase-out designed to slow climate change. The … Read more

According to the researchers, underground climate change poses a silent danger in Chicago and other cities

Downtown Chicago buildings

As the planet warms from global warming for much of the past century, the spaces below the Loop have too. That’s a cause for concern about the impact on buildings, according to new research from Northwestern University, although it also presents an opportunity to reuse that heat. Building basements, subways, parking lots, and other underground … Read more

Deadly floods hit several countries, scientists have said this will be increasingly common

Beachgoers take a dip in the Atlantic Ocean at Hollywood Beach, Monday, July 10, 2023, in Hollywood, Fla. adding a little more crap to the state's already oppressive summer weather.  (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

Schools in New Delhi were forced to close on Monday after heavy monsoon rains hit the Indian capital, with landslides and flash floods killing at least 15 people in the past three days. Further north, the overflowing Beas River swept vehicles downstream, flooding neighborhoods. In Japan, torrential rain it hit the South West, causing flooding … Read more

Hochul Swears New York’s Severe Weather Is ‘New Normal’: ‘Climate Change Impacts’

Press conference by Kathy Hochul

New York Governor Kathy Hochul on Monday warned that severe weather, including heavy rains and flooding that is inundating the Northeast, should be considered the “new normal.” “Make no mistake this is our new normal,” Hochul tweeted. “We are the first generation to feel the impacts of climate change and the last generation with the … Read more