New superconductors can be built atom by atom, researchers show

New superconductors can be built atom by atom

Scanning tunneling microscope image of two of the superconducting structures created, made up of individual chromium atoms. Credit: University of Zurich The future of electronics will be based on new types of materials. Sometimes, however, the natural topology of atoms makes it difficult to create new physical effects. To address this problem, researchers at the … Read more

A new kind of quantum computer could be built on the strange physics of sound waves

diagram of the sound beam crossing and reflected by a splitter

When you turn on a lamp to light up a room, you’re experiencing light energy transmitted as photons, which are small, discrete quantum packets of energy. These photons have to obey the sometimes strange laws of quantum mechanics, which, for example, dictate that photons are indivisible, but at the same time allow a photon to … Read more