New superconductors can be built atom by atom, researchers show

New superconductors can be built atom by atom

Scanning tunneling microscope image of two of the superconducting structures created, made up of individual chromium atoms. Credit: University of Zurich The future of electronics will be based on new types of materials. Sometimes, however, the natural topology of atoms makes it difficult to create new physical effects. To address this problem, researchers at the … Read more

For the first time: Scientists analyze a single atom with X-rays

Technique for the analysis of single atoms

The new capability for single atom analysis combines the X-ray beams of the Argonnes advanced photon source and atomic-scale imaging possible with a scanning tunneling microscopy probe. Credit: Argonne National Laboratory The new X-ray capability could find wide application in environmental and medical research, as well as in the development of batteries and microelectronic devices. … Read more