Synthetic human embryos obtained from stem cells? Artificial monkey embryo research leads the way

Synthetic human embryos obtained from stem cells?  Artificial monkey embryo research leads the way

IIn January 2017, I met Jiankui He, the now-infamous Chinese scientist who would go on to create the world’s first genome-edited babies. This occurred during a meeting in Berkeley, California hosted by Jennifer Doudna who, along with Emmanuelle Charpentier, was awarded the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work on CRISPR genome-editing technology. In … Read more

Artificial intelligence and supercomputing to predict extreme weather events

Artificial intelligence and supercomputing to predict extreme weather events

02:52 What if you could tell where the next big flood will hit or which region might be devastated by a drought? Could an artificial intelligence (AI) model be used to predict which forest area was most at risk from potentially catastrophic fires? Advances in supercomputing and artificial intelligence mean this will soon become a … Read more