Big pharmaceutical companies accused of “ripping off” the NHS with 12 billion in excess profits

EMBARGOED TO 0001 WEDNESDAY JULY 5 File photo dated 03/10/2023 of a ward at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool.  Public support for the NHS as it reaches its 75th anniversary is "solid rock", but the service won't be available to celebrate its 100th anniversary without investment, leading healthcare think tanks have warned.  Issue date: Wednesday July 5, 2023. PA Photo.  The King's Fund, the Health Foundation and the Nuffield Trust have all said that the NHS is the "jewel in the country's crown" but the organizations have warned that the service faces "huge challenges".  In a letter to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the leaders of the Labor and Liberal Democrat parties - Sir Keir Starmer and Sir Ed Davey, the organizations said the NHS has "it has endured a decade of underinvestment" and criticized politicians for a "dependence on short-term and eye-catching initiatives" which will not help the long term service.  See PA story HEALTH NHS75 ThinkTanks.  Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Some of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world have been accused of ripping off the NHS by making billions of pounds off just a handful of cancer and other drugs. NHS England has spent £13bn on treatments over the past 10 years, with drug companies making as much as £12.6bn through extreme profiteering, according … Read more